lesson plans

Lesson Plans for 4th grade Math

Objectives: TEKS

§ 111.16. Mathematics, Grade 4.

      (11)  Measurement. The student applies measurement concepts. The student is expected to estimate and measure to solve problems involving length (including perimeter) and area. The student uses measurement tools to measure capacity/volume and weight/mass. The student is expected to:

(A) estimate and use measurement tools to determine length (including perimeter), area, capacity and weight/mass using standard units SI (metric) and customary.


  • Marilyn Burns Math activity.
  • Online Learning Bridge 16-5/Practice
  • Doc Camera for student presentations
  • Tiling Activity 16-5 (Display the Digits)
  • Grid paper, construction paper, glue, scissors

Instructional Strategies:

-Interactive Instruction-used when students come up to the doc camera and work practice problems.

-Experiential learning-The students are participating in interactive learning by creating a grid activity sheet to prove perimeter and area.

Anticipatory Set:

  • Show students a floor plan
  • Ask the students what are some ways to make an area larger on the floor plan.
  • Tell the students that today we will see a learning bridge and together we will learn how perimeter and area work together.
  • We will work out an activity that show how the area of a shape changes and yet the perimeter can stay the same (Marilyn Burns)


  • Introduce the different types of supplies needed to Work our activity..
  • Ask the students to discuss the different ways perimeter and area are important in our lives.
  • Model how to count out the perimeter on the grid paper and create different sizes of area and make different shapes with the same perimeter.

Procedure/Guided Practice:

  • Using a 4X6 card have the students write out the information they learned from their activity.
  • Show the learning bridge on how to find perimeter.


Check for Understanding:

  • Show the floor plan again and show how to make the area larger.
  • Ask about  other ways we can use perimeter.


Independent Practice:

The teacher will model the Marilyn Burns activity.

  • Student will count squares on a grid paper
  • Student will choose a perimeter making sure it is an even number.
  • Student will cut out the different areas with the same perimeter
  • When student finishes their activity they will get a Center Activity sheet and tiles to  work the puzzle with squares while finding the perimeter.(Display the Digits)

Bloom’s Incorporated:

Comprehension- “How do you think I can do to make my “great room” larger on my floor plan?”

Analysis- “What would happen if we measure the perimeter of a room incorrectly when ordering carpet ?”

Evaluation- “Do you think it is important to know how to measure perimeter?”

Technology Implemented:

  • On line learning bridge 16-3 learning about area
  • Online learning bridge 16-4 learning about perimeter
  • Use of doc camera on smart board for student participation



Quiz on measurement problems 48 to 54 (handout)



Allow the lower level students sufficient time to work on the quiz

The higher level students, when they are finished with their work allow them to work on their perimeter puzzle (Display the Digits)


I enjoyed learning about the Marilyn Burns Math activity and am excited to learn more about Marilyn Burns.  I enjoyed working on this lesson plan. I find it excited to create a lesson to teach my students. I think this is the best part of school. I was not sure how to create modifications on this lesson.


4.11(A)TLW estimate and use measurement to determine perimeter and area using metric and customary units.